Primi - Ricetta 9 - Ravioli - Colette's kitchen delights - by Graziella Martina

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 (serves 4)

400g  flour
300g  minced beef
4  egg yolks
2 tablespoons of olive oil
4 tablespoons of salted water
1  onion
100g  boiled spinach

a few basil leaves
2  cloves of garlic
50g  butter
50g  grated Gruyere
8  spoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese
On a pastry board mix the flour, egg yolks, salted water and olive oil. Work the mixture well, so that it becomes smooth and even, make it ball-shaped, then leave it to stand.
    Brown the finely sliced onion in the butter. When it starts to  colour, add the spinach, that has just been boiled and chopped up, the meat, basil and garlic. Turn off the heat and leave it to cool.
    Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut it into strips about 5cm wide. Place a small amount of the filling, in regular spaces.
    With a brush, moisten the pastry around the filling. Cover it with a second layer of pastry and make it stick together with the bottom layer, pinching well around the border. With a small-wheel cutter, cut the ravioli into square-shapes and plunge them into boiling salted water.
    Drain the pasta after about 10 minutes. Serve them piping hot with a fresh tomato sauce and butter. Sprinkle over the grated Gruyere and Parmesan cheese.
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