Dried Salted Cod : Stock fish
(serves 2)
1 piece of dried salted cod (about 500g in weight)
1 glass of olive oil
2 tablespoons milk
6 tablespoons cream
1 clove of garlic
a few slices of breadcrumbs
oil for frying
Leave the dried salted
cod to soak in plenty of water overnight. Then bring it to the boil
for 10 minutes at a low flame. Drain it well and remove every trace
of the skin and the bones. Cut the fish into rather small pieces.
Heat a good part of the oil in a saucepan, add the cod and with the
help of a wooden spoon, mash it up.
Take it off the
heat and pour over the remaining oil. Soften the mixture with boiling
milk, mix in the cream and enhance the flavour with the finely
chopped garlic.
Arrange the creamy
mixture into dome-shapes onto a serving plate and serve it with small
pieces of toast fried in oil, on which will be spread the creamy cod.